
GRM Traffic Management & Traffic Control Solution in Sydney & Greater NSW

RMS Permit (ROL)


In New South Wales, Australia, the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) plays a crucial role in managing the state’s extensive network of roads, waterways, and vehicle and driver registration. As part of their responsibilities, RMS issues permits to regulate various activities that take place on or near public roads. These permits, known as RMS Permits, are essential to ensure the safety of the public, the integrity of the environment, and the smooth operation of activities such as construction, maintenance, filming, or special events.

What is an RMS Permit?

An RMS Permit is a document issued by the Roads and Maritime Services, which grants permission for specific activities to occur on or near public roads in New South Wales. These activities might range from construction projects, road maintenance, filming, to special events that require temporary road closures. The primary purpose of an RMS Permit is to establish a set of conditions and requirements that ensure these activities are carried out safely, efficiently, and in accordance with relevant regulations.

Importance of RMS Permits

Obtaining an RMS Permit is a critical step in ensuring that any activity conducted on a public road is done so in a responsible and lawful manner. Here’s why RMS Permits are so important:

Activities Requiring RMS Permits

Several activities necessitate the issuance of an RMS Permit, including:

The Permit Application Process

To obtain an RMS Permit, applicants typically need to follow these steps:

RMS Permits are a vital component of ensuring that activities conducted on or near public roads in New South Wales are safe, responsible, and legally compliant. These permits serve to protect public safety, the environment, and the integrity of road infrastructure. Anyone planning an activity that may affect public roads should be aware of the requirement for an RMS Permit and the importance of following its conditions to the letter. By doing so, they contribute to the overall safety and well-being of the community and the environment in New South Wales.

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