
GRM Traffic Management & Traffic Control Solution in Sydney & Greater NSW


What We Do

We provide professional traffic control services essential for maintaining safe and efficient traffic flow. With an experienced team and comprehensive services, we provide traffic management plans, diagrams, equipment, and controllers. Our professional traffic control and management collaborates with both private and public organizations to deliver effective solutions. Together, we ensure that traffic moves smoothly and safely on the city’s roads.

Traffic Management Plan (TMP)

Traffic Management Plan (TMP) are essential documents for any project or event affecting traffic flow. They outline procedures for safety, efficiency, and compliance with regulations. TMPs cover control, parking, signage, and more, helping safeguard road users and the environment.

Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS)

A Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) is an essential plan for managing traffic during construction. It prioritizes safety for workers and the public, with temporary control measures like signs and barriers to ensure smooth traffic flow. TGS minimizes disruptions during public road or footpath work.

Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP)

A CTMP is a vital document for safe construction sites. It covers traffic control, parking, access, signage, lighting, and emergency procedures, minimizing disruptions and ensuring safety for all road users and workers.

Council Permit

Council permits are subject to various factors, including land use, zoning, and safety standards. A compliant Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) is essential for approval when working on public roads and footpaths. Careful TGS planning is crucial for a successful permit application.

RMS Permit (ROL)

An RMS Permit, issued by New South Wales’ Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), is essential for safe and legal activities near public roads. It outlines conditions, including traffic management and environmental protection, ensuring responsible road-related operations.

Road Closures & Diversions

Road closures can vary from partial to full, depending on traffic conditions. Partial closures maintain a through-lane, while full closures divert traffic, necessitating special consideration.

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